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HomeHealthBeginners Steroid Cycle- Most Important things You Need to Know

Beginners Steroid Cycle- Most Important things You Need to Know

Millions of people around the world take anabolic steroids to improve their physical appearance and overall strength. However, only a few people know how to intake it properly. The wrong dose and random use of anabolic steroids may cause various negative side effects, especially for beginner or novice users who make these common mistakes. A lack of knowledge of using anabolic steroids can increase the various risks.

Beginner users are more susceptible to severe side effects because their bodies do not have a chance to build up a tolerance for such steroid compounds. This article will reveal the safest anabolic steroids for beginner users. It helps them to minimise the risk of various side effects during the first anabolic steroids cycle. Learn the best beginner steroid cycle information.

  • What Are Steroid Stacks?

Anabolic steroids are a synthetic variation of male sex hormones called testosterone. It is a main male sex hormone that naturally occurs in the human body and is responsible for various growth and development. When users combine two or more anabolic steroids together, it is called steroid stacking.

Most experienced bodybuilders prefer the stacking method because it gives effective results and very few side effects. People use anabolic steroids for various purposes such as Bulking, Cutting and strength gain.

Initially, it was developed to treat several medical conditions, but it is widely popular nowadays as a performance-enhancement drug. You can buy high-quality steroids online from reputable online ecommerce website.

  • The Best Bulking Cycle For Beginner Users
(i) Dianabol

It is one of the most popular and highly effective anabolic steroids for bulking up. Dbol has very strong anabolic and androgenic properties. Dianabol-only cycles are effective to gain 8 kg muscle mass within one month. It provides impressive results within just a few weeks.

When users consume it properly with protection and follow the recommended dosage and cycle duration, it will promote significant muscle mass growth and higher strength. Its higher dose and long-term use may cause various negative side effects. Women should avoid it because it has very high potency and causes strong virilization effects.

Dianabol is a liver toxic anabolic steroid, so it is necessary to use Samarin 140 (liver protection). Beginner users can perform the below cycle:

Week Dianabol Dosage Samarin 140
Week 1 10 mg per day 2 tabs per day
Week 2 10 mg per day 2 tabs per day
Week 3 15 mg per day 2 tabs per day
Week 4 15 mg per day 2 tabs per day
Week 5 20 mg per day 2 tabs per day

(ii) Testosterone

Testosterone is the main anabolic steroid; almost all anabolic steroids are derivatives of testosterone. It is available in different ester variants. Testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate are the most popular testosterone ester variants used by beginners.

It has strong anabolic and androgenic properties, so women should avoid it. Testosterone is the best bulking agent, which is widely used as a basic steroid for bulking steroid stack cycle. When users follow the below-recommended cycle, they will get maximum effects with fewer side effects:

Week Dianabol Dosage
Week 1 200 mg per week
Week 2 200 mg per week
Week 3 200 mg per week
Week 4 300 mg per week
Week 5 300 mg per week
Week 6 300 mg per week
Week 7 350 mg per week

(iii) Anadrol

Anadrol is also known as Oxymetholone. It is a potent anabolic steroid that gives impressive results in terms of bodybuilding, especially bulking-up. When users consume it properly with the right dose, they will gain significant muscle mass growth and higher strength in a short duration.

Anadrol has high anabolic and androgenic properties, so women should avoid it. It is available in oral form, so beginner users can easily consume it. No needles are required. Beginner users can perform the below cycle:

Week Anadrol Dosage
Week 1 50 mg per day
Week 2 50 mg per day
Week 3 50 mg per day
Week 4 75 mg per day
Week 5 75 mg per day
Week 6 75 mg per day

  • The Best Cutting Cycle For Beginner Users
(i) Anavar

Anavar or Oxandrolone is one of the safest and most popular anabolic steroids for beginner users. It is considered a mild anabolic steroid, so female users can also use it to improve their physical appearance and overall strength. Anavar is the best cutting agent and won’t cause any severe side effects like other anabolic steroids.

Anavar steroid is not effective to gain bigger muscle mass, but it is excellent for weight loss or fat reduction. That’s why Anavar for women is widely popular in the bodybuilding world. It is a well-tolerated anabolic steroid, so it is ideal for beginner users. It is available in oral form and is one of the most expensive steroids on the market.

Beginner users can perform the below cycle:

Week Anavar Dosage
Week 1 15 mg per day
Week 2 15 mg per day
Week 3 15 mg per day
Week 4 20 mg per day
Week 5 20 mg per day
Week 6 20 mg per day

(ii) Winstrol

Winstrol or Stanozolol is also one of the safest and mild anabolic steroids. Both male and female users can use this steroid to improve their physical appearance and overall strength. Winstrol is a well-tolerated anabolic steroid, so it is the best choice for beginners. Winstrol promotes lean muscle mass, higher strength gain and improves overall performance.

When users take it properly with protection, it gives excellent results in the cutting phase. It is also sometimes used in bulking stack cycles. Winstrol is widely used for weight loss purposes and to add lean muscle mass, especially when on a low-calorie diet.

A beginner can perform the below cycle:

Week Winstrol Dosage
Week 1 10 mg per day
Week 2 10 mg per day
Week 3 10 mg per day
Week 4 15 mg per day
Week 5 15 mg per day
Week 6 15 mg per day

(iii) Clenbuterol

Clenbuterol or Clen is not an anabolic steroid but a steroid-like compound that has similar effects. Clenbuterol is mild in nature, so both men and female users can use Clen to improve their physical appearance and overall strength. Clenbuterol pills are easy to consume and do not require any needles. It is an effective cutting agent.

Clenbuterol is classified as a beta2-adrenergic antagonist, which means it relaxes the user’s lungs and muscles. It helps them to breathe easily, so Clenbuterol is an effective medication to treat various respiratory conditions and asthma patients. It is also thermogenic in nature, so when the user consumes it, it increases their body temperature and promotes a metabolism rate that quickly promotes fat reduction.

Beginner users can perform the below cycle:

Week Clenbuterol – B
Week 1-3 20 mcg per day
Week  4-6 40 mcg per day
Week  7-9 60 mcg per day
Week  10-12 80 mcg per day
Week  13-15 100 mcg per day

  • What Are The Benefits Of Using Anabolic Steroids?

Anabolic steroids indeed come with various negative side effects, but when you use them correctly with the right stack, it will give impressive results. Users need to use them smartly to get effective results.

It is necessary to use original and high-quality steroids products because many websites sell fake products that give zero outcome results

When you use it properly, you can expect that different benefits such as:

  • Significant muscle mass growth
  • Higher-strength, stamina and power
  • Quick muscle mass growth
  • Faster recovery rate
  • Reduce body fats
  • Weight loss
  • Improve endurance level
  • Enhance red blood cell production
  • Enhance protein synthesis
  • Enhance nitrogen retention
  • Improve overall performance

Never use its high dose or long-term cycle because it may cause various negative side effects.

  • Conclusion

Beginner users can use well-tolerated anabolic steroids with lower doses to get effective results. Above, we have mentioned the best bulking and cutting anabolic steroids and the recommended steroid cycle that they can perform to get more effective results. Avoid high dose and long-term use of anabolic steroids because they are not good for your health.

If you have any doubts about the steroids cycle, kindly ask our coaching experts ( anytime.

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